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Articles by Insurance Age staff

Review of the Year 2023: OneAdvent’s Tim Quayle

Tim Quayle, CEO of OneAdvent, admits relief that the hype around blockchain has rescinded and wonders if it is time for Lloyd’s to turn its iconic building into a shared office space for the market…. with beer on tap.

Review of the Year 2023: Axa’s Sarah Mallaby

Sarah Mallaby, Axa commercial distribution and trading director, reflects on the insurer’s cautious exploration of the opportunities afforded by AI and pushing the boundaries in ‘green’ schemes business.

Meet the MGA: Onda

Launched into the UK in October, chief underwriting officer Alex Jomaa explains why managing general agent Onda is on a mission to simplify and demystify cyber insurance for both brokers and customers alike.

Review of the Year 2023: Acrisure’s Mark McIlquham

In the first of our ‘Review’ series Mark McIlquham, president of Acrisure UK Retail, reflects on whether the 15-year cycle will see a large insurer buy a large broker, and how he’d recast the Barbie film with senior figures from its ‘network dream team’