The Blog Spot: The pay as you go bonanza
Are motor brokers going to listen to their customers?
The Blog Spot: The Masked Broker
Will you continue to wear a mask after July 19?
The Blog Spot: An exciting return to local focus
Following reports of a rise in the number of start-up brokers, Ida Axling says it is great to see that the entrepreneurial spirit remains strong in the broking sector.
The Blog Spot: Action not words
In Pride month, Sian Barton says it’s good to see some action that goes beyond slapping a rainbow flag on a logo as Zego announces a policy to help trans and non-binary staff in the business.
The Blog Spot: Tiernan, Bayles, Holmes … Norwich do we have a problem?
A trio of senior departures at Aviva might have got tongues wagging but, as Jonathan Swift asserts, it might be more of a case of coincidence than carnage.
The Blog Spot: Taking the virtual route
Why it is right for Biba to keep things virtual at its 2021 conference, Sian Barton writes.
Blog: What challenges await new Aviva CEO Amanda Blanc
It is early days yet, but new CEO Amanda Blanc is certainly talking the talk when it comes to turning around Aviva. Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift outlines where the battle could be won when it comes to her being considered a success or…
The Blog Spot: Ardonagh and Broker Network - will this lockdown family reunion have a happy ending?
With Broker Network returning to the fold, Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift reflects on why Ardonagh Group is looking Back to the Future as its plots post pandemic growth.
The Blog Spot: What are you doing to support Black Lives Matter?
The insurance sector is working to improve diversity but how is it changing beyond having conversations?
Blog: When is a consolidator, not a consolidator? The question Barton, Jelf and Reid’s Partners& hopes to answer
This week saw the launch of new broking business Partners&, bringing together a quintet of players to form a business which is positioning itself as distinctly anti-consolidator. Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift looks at what this means; and…
The Blog Spot: Facing the challenges of Covid-19
Following the cancellation of Biba 2020 – a key meeting point for intermediaries - Sian Barton calls on brokers to use the sector’s famous relationships to push through this crisis.
The Blog Spot: Navigating these strange times
We’re already seeing travel cover suspended and confirmation BI isn’t covered for Covid-19. What might this mean for the future of insurance and trust in the sector?
The Blog Spot: Do you remember when a broker last went bust?
The sad fall of Staveley Head causes Siân Barton to pause and ask ‘when did this last happen to a broker?'
The Blog Spot: To merge or not to merge?
Ida Axling predicts further changes on the networks scene after Marsh Commercial combines its three propositions.
The Blog Spot: Breaking barriers to insurance
As Biba focuses on improving access to insurance in its manifesto, commissioning editor Laurence Eastham considers where changes will occur in 2020.
The Blog Spot: Kicking things off
Editor, Siân Barton, considers how the insurance space has launched into 2020 and looks back to a thread from 2019 that should be picked up again this year.
The Blog Spot: “Sorry” – the final word?
Simon Matson has finally apologised after comments he made about exiting employees, described as racist and abusive were highlighted in court papers, but is it enough?
The Blog Spot: Time to say #MeToo
Following her news analysis on sexism and harassment in the regional broker space Ida Axling reflects on her own experiences.
The Blog Spot: RIP Jelf, hello Marsh Commercial - what's in a broking brand?
As Marsh rebrands Jelf, Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift reflects on the passing of another name heavily associated with noughties broker consolidation
The Blog Spot: Women in insurance, is anything changing?
Aara Syed questions how far insurance has come in its treatment of women.
The Blog Spot: First impressions
Commissioning editor Laurence Eastham reflects on his first month in the insurance industry.
The Blog Spot: Cobra - how the once Towergate target ended up at PIB
Once upon a time you could not keep Cobra out of the news. Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift reflects on how the business regrouped almost by stealth to become the latest important part of the PIB growth story.
The Blog Spot: How much does insurance really care?
Siân Barton urges the sector to sign up to the three Insurance Cares pledges to help vulnerable customers with dementia.
The Blog Spot: Should insurance go back to its coffee shop roots?
Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift mulls whether insurance broking needs to go back to its beginnings to find the right blend for future success.