Insurance Age staff

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Articles by Insurance Age staff

NIG Skandia.

NIG Skandia has asked us to make clear that contrary to a statement made in the last issue of Profes...

Wren buys Masthead.

Wren, Lloyd's insurance group, has bought Masthead Insurance Underwriting for £49m. The takeover inc...

Garry Heath.

Recently, the IFA Association has come in for considerable criticism for the way in which we are dea...

Make your mind up time.

Many composite brokers are having to decide whether it is worth continuing with life and pensions business. Jennifer Jarrett offers some guidance on this difficult decision process.

Appointment at BEIB.

Bloodstock broker Geoff Raggett has retired after over 35 years in the market. Mr Raggett was former...

A rare breed.

A handful of niche brokers continue to dominate the equine market. However, David Fanning says it is still possible for enthusiastic non-specialists to make their mark.

Appointment at HSBC.

Sir John Carter has been appointed an adviser to the board of HSBC Investment Bank, where he will he...

The sick nurse.

Millennium Insurance Brokers has put together a policy to protect nursing homes against the absence ...

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